Friday 31 December 2010

New Beginnings - Old Endings

Isn't it funny that it takes an arbitrary measure of time to make us look back on what was and what is to come - after all time is a concept we have created to make us feel better about the passing of age.

So lets appraise 2010 - I was flicking through a glossy magazine today and I recognised perhaps 1/5th of the 'stars' of 2010.  I guess this means I am out of touch or perhaps the mediocrity of celebrity really has had its day.  For me personally, as I am sure for many of you, it was a year of love and of loss, of smiles and of frowns, of laughter, tears, promises made, promises broken and the usual emotional rollercoaster of life that flings us from pillar to post. 

I look back and I cannot believe that another year has flown by - that all these things have happened and that all the things I wanted to happen haven't even begun yet!  Where is that list of things that I wanted to do?  Lost under the debris of the past year I guess.  Still it can be dusted off and incorporated into this year's massive list of 'things to do'.  Perhaps the list should just be dispensed with.  But then there would be nothing to pin to the front of the fridge and tick off in multi-coloured pens with great joy as each and every item is achieved - hah!  Methinks this new year's resolution should be .... be more realistic with what you can achieve!

However sometimes it is the reach that drives us, the sparkle just out the corner of our eye that makes us stretch for more.  And we should all reach for that sparkle - everyone of us deserves that and so much more.  2011 is a new year, a fresh start, a new beginning - or perhaps a continuation of the old.  Let us not forget what we have achieved so far in our lives, be they long or short.  Whilst it is good to look to the future and good to contemplate the past do not forget to live in the now.  Cherish the moment.  Laugh.  Love.  Smile.  Hug the one next to you for no reason at all then the utter joy of life itself.

Wishing you a happy day x 

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